Student Council
Advisor: Mrs. Jennifer Dollerschell
Student Council Mission Statement:
We, the Student Council of Prairie High School, strive to create and preserve a united student body. A body infused with pride and spirit which encompasses students, faculty, and community, by promoting involvement within Prairie School.
The main goals of this organization are as follows:
To plan, organize, advertise, prepare, execute, and evaluate school activities for Prairie School students.
To build lifelong skills of teamwork, leadership, organization, and project planning.
To promote school spirit and encourage school involvement.
Class Officers:
President: Tanna Bailey, Vice President: Beau Carlson, Treasurer: Brennan Bringelson, Secretary: Aivah McGrory.
Meeting Dates:
The Student Council meets every 1st Thursday of the month in Mrs. Dollerschell's room during advisory, unless otherwise decided.
Next Meeting:
First Day of School Activities
Back to School Night Helpers
Pep Rally Helpers
Homecoming Week- Date TBD by Athletic Director
Secret Santa Student Gift Exchange- Last Day Before Christmas Break
Winter Dance- End of Jan or Beginning of Feb
STUCO Elections- May
Academic Awards Night- May
Last Day of School Activities
(Subject to changes based on school needs, student preferences and scheduling)
Student Council Officer Position Descriptions and Duties:
President: The president is the chief governing officer overseeing all council events. The main responsibility of the president is to set the agenda for all the meetings with the advice of the faculty sponsor.
Be prepared for and lead all meetings
Give assistance, guidance and praise to the other members
Delegate jobs to other council members and volunteers as needed for activities/events
Act as a facilitator during discussions
Maintain frequent contact with sponsor and administration
Work with sponsor on all planning
Participate in student council sponsored activities/events
Vice President: The vice president is the second governing officer overseeing all council events. The main responsibility of the vice president is to act in place of the president in the event of the president’s absence.
Work closely with the president, assuming duties when needed
Assist the president in preparing meeting agendas
Prepare and maintain work schedules for activities
Communicating updates and important information, such as meeting reminders, to the council members between meetings
Secretary: The secretary is the history and note keeper of the council. The main responsibility of the secretary is to take accurate notes (minutes) at all meetings and share them with the council and sponsor after the meeting is adjourned.
Keep an account of minutes at each meeting
Keep account of attendance at each meeting
Help maintain council files
Maintain contact information for people who work with the council
Responsible for writing and sending “Thank You” cards as needed by the council
Treasurer: The treasurer is the monetary keeper of the council. The main responsibility of the treasurer is to keep record of the income and expenses of the council and report them during meetings.
Oversee council expenses and revenues
Maintain an accurate financial record
Give monetary guidance to the council
Work with President and VP in preparing calendar and budget