Friday Mindset

Tomorrow is the last day to order your yearbook for $30! Go online at jostensyearbooks.com.

Sophomore Class Supper
Friday, January 31, 2020
Vegetable Beef Soup, Breadstick, & Snickerdoodle
Thank you for your support. Go Mustangs!

Breakfast: Blueberry Coffee Cake, Bacon and Fresh Fruit
Lunch: Spaghetti, French Bread, Green Beans, Cantaloupe

3rd graders had a Super Bowl themed day of learning today! Too bad our Broncos aren’t in it, but our class sure represented them with their colors!

Thursday Mindset

Monday February 3 the JH A Team games @ Lonestar have been moved up an hour to start at 3:00 ~ Their bus will leave at 1:30.
The High School games will start roughly at 5:00 and their bus will leave at 2:45.

Breakfast: Breakfast Biscuit Sandwich and Fresh Fruit
Lunch: Chef Salad, Bread stick, Apricots

Wednesday Mindset

We had a wonderful time at the Farm Show today. Our Beef Reproduction students volunteered for Beef Day and the rest of our members talked to companies of all shapes and sizes in the Ag industry.

Some days a lesson presents itself. Ag III/IV took a moment to teach a few students how to change a tire. I am so proud of their hard work and problem solving!

Breakfast: Oatmeal Bar and Sausage link and Fresh Fruit
Lunch: BBQ Chicken Sandwich, Chips, Applesauce, Baked beans

Tuesday Mindset

Eli Marler competed in the final round of U.N.C.s Math Contest on Sunday, January 26th, 2020

7th grade Informational Text Features Escape Room was a success!!

A message from our yearbook staff:

The JH Basketball games in Peetz will run as follows, C girls and Boys will play at 4:00, B Girls and Boys will play following that, and then A girls followed by A boys.

3rd Grade’s Growth Mindset message this week!

Congratulations to my first million word reader, Hayden Marsh. You make your teacher proud. Don’t stop reading Hayden.

Wednesday Mindset