Due to an overwhelming response, we have sold out of the designs for the color run t-shirts. If you didn't get yours, you can still wear your white shirt to "Walk Through the Decades" and enjoy the good (messy) time!
Regular Board Meeting - Monday, September 18, 2023 7:30pm in the Library. See agenda at Documents>Admin>Board Meetings or here: https://5il.co/2505t.
Reminder- We will be "Walking/Running Through the Decades" on Monday at 2:00.
Students can wear a white/light colored shirt, shorts, water bottle and eye protection (glasses, goggles). Each decade will be a new color of powder. Students will have a messy, fun time!
The Homecoming Pep Rally will be after the color walk/run on Monday! Everyone is welcome!
2023 Homecoming dance will be held Saturday, September 23rd from 7-11 p.m. All students in grades 8-12 are welcome; out of school dates must have prior approval to attend. $5 per person or $8 per couple.
HAPPY GRANDPARENTS DAY!!!! We ❤️ our grandparents!!!! Thanks for coming!!!! 🖤💛🖤💛
Prairie FBLA had a great time at the Business of Baseball event today! The Rockies came away with a win and our students learned about different aspects of running a major league team from members of the Rockies' top management. Proud of our members and how they represented Prairie!
Prairie FBLA had a great time at the Business of Baseball event today! The Rockies came away with a win and our students learned about different aspects of running a major league team from members of the Rockies' top management. Proud of our members and how they represented Prairie!
Please contact the school if you and your family could benefit from this amazing program!
3rd grade and Kindergarten buddy time!!!! SCIENCE FUN!!! Learning all about flowers, bees, and pollination!!!!🐝🌺 In the classroom, all we could hear was busy buzzing bees!!!! 💛🖤💛🖤
September Soft Skills
Sending a BIG thank you to Joe Marler, a parent to some of our students, who hand painted the Mustang murals in our gym. He is such a talented artist. They turned out awesome! 💛🐴🖤
Homecoming Week is coming soon! September 18th through September 23rd will be a blast from the past as we celebrate "Thru The Decades." Student Council has an action-packed week planned, so check the website for updates. More details about the dance to follow, but get your outfits ready now for dress-up week!
Prairie Preschool will be collecting detergent containers all year! Contact Miss Shelli if you have questions.
iMatter - Free Counseling Sessions for all Colorado students.
Next Special Meeting of the Board - Tuesday, September 12, 2023 beginning at 8:00am. Agenda is posted at Documents>Admin>Board Meetings>2023-2024 Board Meeting Info. Have a great weekend, and GO MUSTANGS!
They're out. :) We'll resume in about 3 minutes.
Hi there! When the Board is out of Executive Session, we will resume the public portion of the meeting at the following link (I'll send a 3-5 minute heads up): https://zoom.us/j/91868850250?pwd=dW9jSkNVRittZHVyTDB5dHgrMnYrUT09 - Meeting ID: 918 6885 0250
Passcode: 0UUcnP
Here's a revised link for tomorrow's Zoom Meeting. The building will be open as well for anyone wanting to "zoom" together. https://zoom.us/j/96455363259?pwd=NHZpNDFzMmsvR2lXY1p2U0N2NHVsQT09
We wrapped up Outdoor Ed with a morning in the river looking for bugs! What a fun trip we had!
Revised Board Meeting Agenda - now tomorrow afternoon!