1st Day of 3rd Grade
What inspires me?
Levi Troudt: “What inspires me is wanting to leave a good impression of what I stand for”.
What inspires you?
Senior Arek Wulf: “My shooting ambition and career.”
Breakfast: Breakfast Burrito, Fresh Fruit
Lunch: Chicken nuggets, Tator Tots, Green beans, Cantaloupe
Breakfast: Tornados, Fresh fruit
Lunch: Meatballs, Baked Potato, Corn, Oranges
Prairie Parents and Community,
I can not begin to express how wonderful it was to have our 6th-12th grade students back in our building today. Thanks to Mrs. Whitney and the STUCO officers, the students appeared to have a great day.
I worked with some students on slight schedule changes today. Please go over your students schedules on Infinite Campus and make sure you approve of the changes your student requested. Students will be able to make changes tomorrow with their schedules but Monday schedules will be set and finalized.
Today I also sent a quick survey requesting parents permission to post student's photos on our website. Please complete the survey or let me know if you didn't receive the survey.
We look forward to seeing all the students in our building on Monday.
Congratulations Owen Kilmer for being my top reader in the 2019-2020 school year. I wonder who will be Mrs. Long top reader in 2020-2021?
Breakfast: Scones, Sausage Link, Fresh Fruit
Lunch: Hamburgers, French Fries, Baked Beans, Diced Pears
Reminder: Back to school night is tonight at 6:00 p.m. We will be collecting the Internet Agreement, Chromebook Agreement, and Chromebook fees ($30) tonight. We will also have these forms for parents to sign if needed. Please remember we are starting school under the Governor's executive order which calls for masks to be worn in public buildings for students in grades 6th-12th. Please have masks as one of the student's school supply items. We encourage students to wear masks, especially in congested areas such as hallways.
We can’t MASK our excitement to see you!!! ❤️❤️😊😊👍👍
Board meeting
Mrs. Ramseier's Back to School Information - https://tinyurl.com/ramseierclass
Take 3- Back to School Night
Hello Prairie families and community,
The past few months have been very challenging for all of us. Students, staff, and community health are very important to the Prairie School District. As we proceed through these uncertain times, we are trying to keep education as normal as possible as we utilize precautions to control any possible spread of COVID-19. We have been in consultation with other school districts, the Weld County Health Department, and state leaders as we have developed our plan to open the school year and prepare for adverse conditions that we could face during this school year. Our plan has several different phases and our hope is that we will not have to implement anything past phase 1 and eventually we will be able to ease restrictions.
Prairie School will promote everyday disease prevention strategies:
If you are sick, stay home from school.
Avoid close contact with those who are already sick.
Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing with a tissue or the crook of your arm.
Wash your hands often with soap and water.
Avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth.
The Prairie School Operational Phases plan is a planning tool and may be modified as needed as conditions change.
Along with planned phases of operation, The State Governor’s Executive Orders and Department of Health requirements will be followed.
School Operational Phases Plan:
· Normal: No restrictions – school as normal (pre-COVID-19) with no restrictions, guidelines, or recommendations.
· Phase 1: COVID-19 precautions are being met but no student or staff member is affected by COVID-19.
· Phase 2: A student or staff member is affected by COVID-19.
· Phase 3: An additional student or staff member is affected by COVID-19.
· Phase 4: Multiple students, staff, immediate family members, and/or community are affected by COVID-19.
Phase 1
(COVID-19 precautions are being met but no student or staff member is affected by COVID-19).
· Students and staff will be screened daily (including checking temperatures) – bus screening or at the school entrance.
· Visitors and volunteers are allowed in the school but will be limited.
· Lunch and breakfast schedules will be slightly modified.
· Children will be escorted to “specials” to eliminate hallway congestion.
· Frequent cleaning and disinfecting of school facilities (including classrooms, restrooms, locker rooms, cafeteria, and buses).
· Social distancing will be utilized when feasible.
· Masks or face shields will be required for staff when social distancing isn't feasible.
· Older students will be encouraged to wear masks, but masks will not be required in the general education setting where social distancing is effective.
· Students may have to wear masks in highly congested areas when social distancing requirements cannot be met (buses).
· Personal hygiene will be stressed including frequent hand washing.
· No large face-to-face assemblies.
Phase 2
(A student or staff member is affected by COVID-19).
· Fifth grade and older students and staff in the exposed “Cohort” will be expected to wear face coverings.
· Students will use backpacks, rather than lockers, to store and transport school supplies and books.
· Lunches and Breakfast will be served in classrooms when possible.
· “Special” teachers will deliver instruction in the classroom when possible.
· Passing periods may be altered to reduce traffic in the halls.
· Other previous precautions from phase 1 will remain in place.
*Cohort- A cohort would typically be made up of a single grade PK-5. Middle school and high school would each be a pod
Phase 3
(An additional student or staff member is affected by COVID-19).
· All students and staff of the exposed “Cohort” will move from at-school to distance (at-home) learning.
· The exposed “cohort” will utilize distance learning for approximately two weeks, depending on conditions.
· Lunches will be offered to students within the "cohort"
· Attendance will be taken daily for elementary students and hourly for secondary students.
· Exposed facilities will be deep cleaned.
· Other previous precautions from phases 1 and 2 will remain in place.
*Cohort- A cohort would typically be made up of a single grade PK-5. Middle school and high school would each be a pod.
Phase 4
(Multiple students, staff, immediate family members, and/or community are affected by COVID-19).
· All students will move from in-school to distance (at-home) learning.
· Classes will be held remotely during the entire school day.
· Teachers will deliver instruction from the school or at home, depending on conditions.
· Attendance will be taken daily for elementary students and hourly for secondary students.
· The school will utilize distance learning until it is appropriate to return to in-person learning at school.
· Lunches will be offered to students.
Bus transportation guidelines are difficult to meet. In order to get more students on the bus at one time, if social distancing isn't feasible, all students and drivers may be required to wear a face covering. Each student will be screened and their temperature will be taken daily. If students have a fever of 100.4 or higher, the student will not be allowed on the bus or at school. Students will have assigned seats having household and classroom units sitting together. If families would like to opt-out of bussing, please call the office at your earliest convenience.
We will continue to have athletics with the current restrictions in place. We reached out to the commissioner of CHSAA yesterday. She assures us she has an amazing plan if all goes well at the state level. Keep our fingers crossed that this passes the next level.
Breakfast and Lunch:
Prairie School will continue to provide lunches to our students and staff. Lunchtimes will be staggered and seating will be stretched. The lunchroom, aux gym, and outside seating will be available.
Recess will be offered 2 different times during the day for each elementary class (K-5). Students will be able to enjoy the playground equipment and the outdoors. We will have students wash their hands as they reenter the school building.
Hallway passing will be run traffic style with lane dividers. We will reroute Ag and Science classes to move through the east end of the gym as they exit the classes to allow for less congestion in the hallway. Elementary students will move through the hallway with staff support.
At this time we are unsure what music will look like. We are waiting for more guidance.
Physical Education:
Physical education will continue to take place for our students as we know physical movement and activities are important. We are expecting to have a lot of our physical education outdoors.
Art: Students will continue to have art classes. Cleaning and sanitation will be amped up with art supplies.
Library: Books will be able to be checked out in Phase 1 and 2 of our plans. Books will be sanitized as they are returned to school.
Entering the Building:
We are asking that no students arrive at school before 7:30 a.m.
All non-bus riders will enter through the main entrances. Students will be screened and temperature checked as they enter the building. Those eating breakfast will go to the kitchen and other students will make their way to the classrooms.
Bus riders will be dropped off in 3 locations. If they are a secondary student that is not eating breakfast they will enter through the high school hall exit. If they are an elementary student not eating breakfast they will enter through the elementary hall exit. Then the bus riders eating breakfast will be dropped off by the lunchroom doors.
Exiting the Building at the end of the day:
- Elementary teachers and special teachers will walk their students to the buses and for parents to pick-up by exiting through the elementary hall doors.
- High school students in English, Math, Social Studies and Business will exit through the high school hall doors.
-Junior high students will leave through the main doors. All high school students not in the classes listed above will exit through the main doors.
Please note that all of these plans are continually changing. We are doing our best to make adjustments and doing what is needed to get students back in the building with in-person learning.
Even though Prairie School is implementing safety precautions, we acknowledge that COVID-19 does present a potential health risk to students, staff, and others, who might enter Prairie School. Therefore, if a family is not comfortable with in-person (at-school) learning or for those that are uncomfortable with the guidelines, we are offering a Prairie School Online Option of distance learning for our students. If a family is interested in the online option, please contact Mrs. Piel as soon as possible by email, tpiel@prairieschool.org, or cell phone, 970-571-3642.
Prairie School has the following items listed for sale with BigIron Auctions: 4 buses, 2 beef practice artificial insemination chutes, 6 welding booths.
Please go to https://www.bigiron.com/ for more information and bidding.